Kate Granger – Shiatsu Practitioner for Humans and Horses
Human Practice
Kate first discovered the powerful effects of Shiatsu when she was working full-time in the tv/film industry, struggling with exhaustion and back pain that was greatly eased by having regular treatment. She has a special interest in the treatment of back pain, sports injuries, stress and fatigue as she has found Shiatsu to be particularly helpful with these conditions. In 2016 she also started training to use ShinTai, studying with Kindy Kaur, as part of her practice which has proved both popular and highly effective. Kate also works with Omega Class3b Cold Laser which works well with physical trauma and sports injuries, as well as Laser Acupuncture. She trained at the Genki School of Shiatsu with Sarah Wale MRSS(t) and has also taken part in further workshops with Maria Serrano MRSS(t) (Macrobiotics, Moxa and Cupping), Liz Cruickshanks MRSS(t) RCSS (CranioSacral), Andrew Staib S.E.E.D. MRSS(t) (Table Shiatsu), and Ohashi (originator of Ohashiatsu® techniques).
Equine Practice
Kate has been around horses all her life – in childhood she worked in a local yard and operated a horse-sitting business, and during university years she competed with showjumping and event teams, as well as combining yard work and teaching at a local riding school with studies for her arts degree. In 2002 she returned to working with horses when she began her Equine Shiatsu training and fulfilled a childhood dream of having her own horse. She is a Fellow of the Shiatsu Society, and part of the committee for the Equine Shiatsu Association.
Training and professional registration
- Three years Equine Shiatsu training with the College of Natural Equine Studies
- Trained up to BHS Stage 3
- Three years of Shiatsu training at Genki School of Shiatsu
- One year post qualification training to achieve Shiatsu Society MRSS qualification
- Registered practitioner and committee member of the Equine Shiatsu Association (tESA)
- Registered with the Shiatsu Society
- Qualified to ECS2 Equine CranioSacral therapy training with Maureen Rogers
- Qualified to use Omega Class 3b Cold Laser and Laser Acupuncture following training with Jessica Nelson and Janet Lloyd-Jones at The British Racing School and The London Institute of Podiatry
- Fully insured for all practised therapies
Kate also regularly attends CPD events for both her human and equine practices, in recent years this has included:
- ShinTai Governing Vessel and Spine/CV and Hara with Kindy Kaur
- Structural Alignment with Kindy Kaur
- Horses Inside Out Annual Conference (yearly), plus a number of dissections and other CPD events with Gillian Higgins
- Workshops with world-renowned horseman Mark Rashid, and Equine Bodyworker Jim Masterson, founder of the Masterson Method
- Equine Palpatory Assessment with Raquel Butler MRCVS
- Full horse Dissection over three days with world-renowned anatomist Sharon May-Davies
- Introduction to Bit and Bridle Fitting with BitFit (Carol Cobbett)
- Saddle fitting with Veterinary Physiotherapist Caroline Lindsay
- Introduction to Barefoot trimming with Lucy Priory from Barefoot South
- Bi-Monthly lecture attendance at the Royal Veterinary College
- Regular meetings with support groups of other bodyworkers such as osteopaths, chiropractors and physios in the local area
- Low-level lameness assessment workshops with Dr Sue Dyson